There might be a couple, or a lot, of things you don’t know about me yet. One of those things is my obsession for food. Good food, preferably home cooked. So when the guys over at HelloFresh asked me to try out their service, I was well willing to try. There’s no fashion involved whatsoever, but bare with me here. I’m well aware of the fact that this is a fashion blog, and it should remain about fashion, but Raspberry & Rouge is my website – and I guess this is a part of me too. So this week, with the shitty weather and my even more shitty health (headaches GO AWAY please), I stayed in and opted for this little food experiment (with the help of my favorite assistant). The concept is quite clear: when you’re feeling lazy, or just don’t have the time, you can call the guys at HelloFresh and they will make sure you have everything you need for either 3 or 5 days of meals at night. Composited of the best (local) ingredients, fresh and seasonal. The attached cookbook will easily get you through all the steps to prepare this meal properly and quick. My “box” consisted of three meals: one meat, one of fish and one vegetarian. If you are currently residing in Australia, Germany, England, France, the U.S., Austria or Holland and well into cooking, you might wanna check this out!
And for those of you living in Holland: use raspberry81 for a €15,00 discount on your first box (valid until July 31st 2013).