Wearing: , , and .
New week, new opportunities, right? The last few days I’ve been taking it a bit slower. I really needed some time not focusing on work for 100%. Yes, I’ve been on my email and social media off and on, but I also took the time to thoroughly sort out our attic and my closet (YAY for Spring cleaning). Instead, I decided to properly catch up with some business relations of mine (not rushing off after 30 minutes, on to the next one) and to have a night off on Friday, having dinner and drinks with one of my good friends. I just came to the conclusion last week that my life is 95% work and 5% other things currently – and it should be more evenly divided. Because yes, I love what I do and do what I love, but life is more than that. And it could pass by you without you even realizing all the amazing things happening. It’s about the here and now, being happy with what you do for a living is very important, absolutely, but not the only thing that matters. So I didn’t shoot a new look over the weekend, I don’t have a whole bunch of post still lined up to show you guys (still one more from London and Cape Town to go). But I figured that should be ok. I’ll update again shortly, planning to catch up on capturing my #ootds today and the rest of the week. In the meantime, follow me on Snapchat and Instagram at @raspberrynrouge.
How to get your mind off your work? These few things help me generally:
1. Phone off. My biggest distraction and obsession in life: my iPhone. And the better the quality of the screen aka images on Instagram (thank you iPhone 6), the more attention it “asks.” Leave that thing at home when you go out for a walk or a coffee. I even asked my boyfriend to hide it for me until noon so I could “relax” without feeling the urge to check my email, social media or text messages (although I still have my laptop of course). And if I really “need” to capture that coffee moment, I can always ask whoever is with me if I can borrow their phone for a sec 🙂
2. Work-out. Again, again, again. I keep on saying this to myself and now my dad told me as well yesterday. No better way to get your body and mind fit than exercising. And now the weather is getting better I really have no excuse not to go for a run.
3. Read. My friend told me something on Friday night I already knew, but really needed to be reminded off: reading a book. I only do so on vacation, I never seem to have or make the time when I’m at home. Why not? When I was younger I read SO much. I just stopped at some point, but really should start again. It’s good for your brain and thus everything. Educating your mind while taking a break. I couldn’t think off a better combination.
4. Walk around. Now this is one thing my boyfriend and I do on a regular basis, sometimes even in the middle of the week. We’re both entrepreneurs, and having our own business means deciding on our own time. Trainers on, big scarf wrapped around my neck, making km’s to get coffee at my fave place in the city. Combined with point number one that is, leaving my phone at home or at least in my bag for an hour or so.
5. Flowers. We love flowers, yes we do. Even if it’s just to Instagram our feet standing next to a few buckets. Getting some floral sh* for my apartment does more than just that though, it brings life and happiness into your home. Pretty good excuse to leave your laptop shut for 30 min, go get them and take a d-tour while you’re at it.