
I took a little step down from work the past week to fully recover mentally (I’ve been quite stressed the last 2 months of 2015) and physically from the last year (hence, I didn’t take any rest). I’ve noticed that when I did take a those days to rest a bit more/work a bit less, I felt so tired! Do you guys know that feeling? I guess a lot of bloggers tend to show only the positive and uplifting side of their lives, but I think it’s only fair to show that I’m human and also feel off from time to time. I figured it was a way for my body to say that I need that more often, take a little break every once in a while! So here I go, into the new year, trying to figure out a schedule that works better for me. Time to set my priorities straight! I don’t want to drown myself in emails, so I told myself it’s ok if people don’t get a response immediately. Also, if I don’t have the time or proper weather conditions to shoot a post, it should be ok not to post for a day. Because if I feel better, my body feels better, my skin will be better and my work will also benefit. There’s simply not that much I can do about all the external factors (weather etc), the only thing I control is myself. With all the work and travel stuff coming up, I’d better make it work!

Thus I took a few good steps into a healthier lifestyle. I’ve started doing hot yoga a couple of months ago, and I actually keep on going which is a good sign. It feels good to zone off for an hour, a few times a week, and not having think about anything or anyone else. Not working out for so long was simply not smart – my body needs that. I also bought a blender from some gift vouchers we got for Christmas. I got a lot of fresh fruits and veggies to create some yummy smoothies and juices with to start or break my day with. As I’m quite the rookie, I can definitely use recipe suggestions, so if you have any, please shoot! And last but not least, as much as I love my wine, I’m going to try not to drink any until my holiday in Mexico in three weeks. Now I’ve said these things here, I need to keep it up, no? I have to be in a bikini so soon (leaving the 20th)! There’s not time like the present I guess! How are you starting your year? Any resolutions?

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