Oh those Cali days. Pretty amazing Cali days! Especially when sporting a good old black and white outfit. I love being out there in Los Angeles, it gives me some sort of energy I don’t seem to get somewhere else. And a lot of that has to do with the climate. Life is just different when it’s sunny every day. Being from Northern Europe, I already get my fair share of clouds and rain when I’m back home. So when I travel, the sun is a welcome companion. I’m that kinda girl who’s mood depends on the weather. And yeah, we talk about “the weather” a lot out here, but come on, we do have something to complain about usually. Although recently it has been quite good, the weather turns around just as easy – pouring rain for two weeks straight. I’m sort of used to it by now, or I should be, but would still love for it to be different. I truly believe you can appreciate the sunshine better when you know your rain, but still. Two weeks straight? Seriously?
It’s probably why I love New York so much as well, although weather wise it hasn’t been amazing there lately either. But usually, when I’m there, it’s pretty good. It rains 2 or 3 days a month every single time I’ve been there. Maybe I just got lucky? Who knows. Speaking of that concrete jungle where dreams were made of: I’m coming back. And soon, way sooner than I anticipated. Love surprises like that! Do you guys have any travel plans? Please share!!
So about this outfit: it’s a classic. I don’t really wear a black and white outfit that often anymore. It’s all about multi-colour these days – who would have thought? I’m quite obsessed with this combo though, body suits are my new thing!
American Apparel body / / /