
afw-fashion-show-backstage-claes-iversen afw-fashion-show-backstage-claes-iversen afw-fashion-show-backstage-spijkers&spijkers afw-fashion-show-frontstage-spijkers&spijkers-catwalk-goodiebags-marie-claire-marieclaire afw-fashion-show-frontstage-claes-iversen-catwalk-designerafw-fashion-show-interview-claes-iversen-week-amsterdam afw-amsterdam-fashion-week-drinks

Yesterday was my first full day of shows here at Amsterdam Fashion Week. Being able to see so many different collections really gives me the right perspective of the wide area of designers participating in this week. But instead of showing you all the catwalk pictures, which you can obviously find online already, I decided to show you something different. I’m taking you through the process of the whole show, back to front. So you can see what is happening before and after the models walk the runway.

I chose to go backstage during the preparations for the two biggest shows yesterday: Spijkers & Spijkers and Claes Iversen. I tried to maneuver myself between all the make-up artists by Maybelline and hair stylists by L’Oreal (photo 1 and 2). It’s pretty cool to see how the show comes together on the last minute: models running around, shoes lined up, sorted clothing on racks, designers getting last touch-ups etc (photo 3 and 4).

Walking to the show venue, passing models lining up and television crews trying to interview staff running around, you enter this huge room filled with goodie bags lined up bench after bench after bench. Before the crowds come in everything is looks so clean and neat (photo 5).

Showtime! My absolute favourite yesterday was Claes’ collection (photo 6). So feminime and detailed, absolutely gorgeous. It’s clear that suits for us women don’t just belong in the past and present, but absolutely will join us the coming few seasons. After the show press gets the chance to ask the designers some questions, take photos or shoot a video (photo 7). And when it’s all done for the night, everyone comes together for a drink or two in the fashion week lounge that’s open all day (photo 8). Or well, I didn’t after running around from 1 PM till 10 PM I was actually done for the day, ready to go home, rest, and get ready for the next few busy days to come.

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